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San Diego Roommates

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How do I go about finding San Diego roommates?

San Diego Roommates

If you live in San Diego, you might be having trouble finding roommates. To alleviate this problem and find San Diego roommates, here are a few things you can try:

- Websites such as and, which offer search tools and search criteria to aid you in finding the perfect roommate. (Although these cost a small fee to use, they can be invaluable in your search).

- Online classifieds like, where people can post free ads that let others know that they are either looking for roommates or would like to become a roommate themselves. (Craigslist has a local San Diego site that is ideal for searching for roommates).

- Shops, stores and college campuses where they have bulletin boards, which will usually have at least one or two ads up about people who are searching for roommates. (These are most popular during the spring and summer, when people are looking for roommates the most).

If you use these strategies, you will be well on your way to finding San Diego roommates.



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