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Seattle Roommates

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How should I go about searching for Seattle roommates?

Seattle Roommates

Seattle roommates may seem like they are in short supply, but if you focus your searches in a few key areas, you will quickly discover that there are plenty of people in Seattle who are looking for roommates, too. To start with, try to search for roommates offline by going down to your local college and looking at bulletin boards that are hanging in hallways and classrooms. Generally, there are always at least a few ads that are posted by people who are in search of roommates. You can also try similar tactics at local shops and grocery stores, where there might also be bulletin boards. After you have searched through these places, you can expand your search to the internet and places like, a free online classified website. Here, you will find a section dedicated to finding housing and roommates, and you will be able to both view and post ads free of charge. Other alternatives to Craigslist include sites that charge a small fee to access and use, such as and While they do cost a certain amount to use, they can more than make up for it in the quality of the results you will get, since they allow you to search and sort by a large number of criteria.



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