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California Roommates

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How can I go about finding roommates in California?

California Roommates

When searching for roommates in California, there are a few places you should check. First of all, if you use the internet, you can go to websites like and to search for roommates. Here you will be able to use search tools to find out what kind of roommates are available, and what their expectations are for a shared living arrangement. You can also use online classifieds, such as, to find roommates in California. Since Craigslist has listings all over the United States, including several in and around California, you can use their services to find just the right roommate. You can also post a wanted ad for a roommate, and see what kind of response you get. Another, less technology-based solution is to go down to your local supermarket, coffee shop or university/college. These places usually have bulletin boards, and you will generally find at least one or two ads up from people who either need roommates or want to become a roommate. As always, when searching for a roommate in California or anywhere else, use caution and trust your judgment when meeting new people so that you can stay as safe as possible during your search.



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